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Welcome from our Chair of Governors

As Chair of Governors, I am delighted to welcome you to the Governor’s section of Earlsheaton Infant school website.

Earlsheaton Infant school has an involved and active Governing Body who works very closely with the Headteacher.  At the heart of the Governing Body ethos is the education, development and well being of our children and staff; that each and every person in school may achieve their full potential and that the education and safety of every child matters.

School Governors are one of the largest voluntary organisations in the country. A school governor is often referred to as a critical friend who provides support and challenge to the Headteacher in their management and effectiveness of the day to day running of the school, alongside striving to increase standards and attainment.

The law requires Governing Bodies and for the Governing Body to fulfil 3 core functions:

  • To ensure the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined, including reviewing and agreeing policies written by the school;
  • To ensure the Headteacher performs his/her responsibilities for the education performance of the school;

  • To ensure the sound, correct and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

However, there are things the Governors are not responsible for:

  • The internal organisation, management and control of the school;
  • The educational performance of the school.

These are the responsibilities of the Headteacher and Senior Staff. The governors can offer support and advice to the Headteacher on these areas, as they can draw on knowledge and experience from outside the school.

Governors are appointed for a 4 year term. Each governor volunteers and undertakes their duties in accordance with the governor code of conduct and commit to attend Governor Meetings, read Governor Information, undergo Governor training and make termly visits into school

There are 8 members of the Earlsheaton School Governing Body:

2 Parent Governors; both posts currently vacant.

5 co-opted Governors: Revd Ann Pollard (Chair of Governors), Rachel Hemingway (Vice-Chair of Governors), Nicola Hill, Philippa Brown, Christine Longfield.

1 staff governor: Rachel Smith.

Wendy Kelly, our Head Teacher, also attends each meeting in an ex-offico capacity. 

We are always pleased to hear from any parent who has questions or feedback and your Governors can be contacted via Mrs Hill or Miss Pringle in the school office on 01924 460969

The Governing Body meets 5 times a year. Meetings usually start at 6.15pm and last no longer than 2 hours. 

Kind regards,

Rev'd Ann Pollard

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