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Closure of School Due to Snow

I would like to remind you about how we deal with any severe weather, especially snow, which may affect the school.

Each day of any severe weather, I, as headteacher, will make an assessment about whether it is safe and practical to open the school to pupils. This decision will be made early in the morning, in enough time to inform you if we are to close.

You will be informed through our app, School Ping, if the school is closed to children each day. If you do not hear anything from us, the school will be open. Should you also wish to check reports of closure, you can do so by visiting the council website www.kirklees.gov.uk/schoolclosures where you will find up-to-date information or follow them at twitter.com/kirkleesschools. Closure information will also be shared with the local radio and TV stations for them to use as they wish in their bulletins. You can also check on weather and gritting updates at www.kirklees.gov.uk/winter or follow them at twitter.com/Kirkleeswinter.

Please be assured that I only decide to close our school in exceptional circumstances where the safety of the children is the primary concern. On occasion this may be due to the availability of teaching staff who travel some distance to reach school, rather than purely conditions for pupils getting to school.

 If you would like to receive information and school updates via our school App then you need to download 'School Ping' from the App or Android store. You will then need a username and password, which the office can give you. 

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