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Equality, Equity and Accessibility for All

We take our responsibilities regarding equality and equity very seriously. We endeavour to make our school site as accessible as possible for people with all needs. We also apply the same approach to all other areas of school life, so that our children, families and staff can enjoy the benefits of our provision.

The 2010 Equality Act and Our School Policies

Schools must have an Equality Policy, based on 2010 Equality Act and the 2014 Guidance for Schools document. They should also have a suite of supporting policies that reference this. A plan must also be published showing how future developments will further these aims. 

Our Equality and Accessibility Plans (Current & Previous)

Learning Accord MAT Equality Objectives 2025-2028

Learning Accord, our Multi-Academy Trust has published the following objectives it is working on. They will be reviewed annually.


  • There will be equality of opportunity for all pupils within Learning Accord academies and for all staff across the trust, regardless of protected characteristics
  • The Trust will provide an inclusive, professional and secure environment for all
  • All Learning Accord schools and academies ensure their curriculum model meets the needs and interests of their pupils and reflects diversity and locality
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