Mental Health and Wellbeing
We have high expectations of our children academically, and at our school we understand that good mental health is a vital part of achieving this. We teach our children the early skills they will build on through their entire lives to help protect them from the stress and anxiety of modern life. These recent statistics are why we know we have a duty of care towards our children and their families to take this issue seriously:
- 56% of children say they worry all the time about something
- One in 10 children (3 in every classroom) aged between 5 and 16 years has a mental health issue, and many of these will continue into adulthood
- Over 50% of all mental ill health starts before the age of 14, 75% by the age of 18
- Diagnoses of anxiety and/or depression in children have risen by 70% over the past 25 years
- The child and teen suicide rate is the highest it has been since 2005
- NHS England estimates that poor mental health costs the UK £105 billion a year
We are proud to hold the Leeds Carnegie Mental Health in Schools award, at the Gold level. This award recognises the focus we have and the high-quality provision we offer in our school, regarding social and emotional mental health and wellbeing. We are determined that our children will grow up understanding there is no more a stigma around talking about mental health as there is talking about physical health. We want our children to have embedded skills around resilience and optimism which will help them navigate through the rest of their lives.
The following resources are a collection of our school policies, NHS advice leaflets and links to local support. Simply click on each item to find out more. Please remember that if you need someone to talk to then our door is always open and we will listen, not judge, help where we can and supply tea, biscuits and tissues. Mrs Kelly is a qualified Adult Mental Health First Aider and Mrs Smalley and Mrs Clarke are qualified Youth Mental Health First Aiders but you are welcome speak to any member of staff you feel comfortable with.
If you need urgent help right now then please call the Samaritans free on 116 123 or the Kirklees Crisis Team on 01924 316830. If you have seriously harmed yourself and need urgent medical help please call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
You matter. Make the call.
Local Parent Workshops
Northorpe Hall are running a number of free, informal parent workshops, which some of our families have already found very useful. Currently available are:
- Introduction to Children & Young People's Mental Health
- Understanding Behaviour as Communication
- Understanding and Supporting Anxiety
- Positive Communication and Attachment
- Introduction to Self-Harm
- Maintaining Positive Emotional Well-being
- The Teenage Brain
- ASC (Autistic Spectrum Condition) Awareness Session
- Supporting Yourself as a Carer and Where to Find Help
- Sensory Development and Sensory Differences Relating to Autism
Call 01924 492183 to book a workshop place or click here to check availability and book online.
NHS Leaflets
The NHS publish a range of useful leaflets on a range of mental health subjects. Click on the title to read or download it:
School Support
Please come into school and talk to us if you're feeling low or overwhelmed; you don't need an appointment.
Our school is a safe space.
We can help in the short term with tea and tissues and in the long term by helping you find the support you may need.
We don't judge, we listen.
5 Ways to Wellbeing
You know that eating your 5 a day helps keep you physically healthy. Here's 5 ways to stay mentally healthy:
Be Active
Take Notice
Keep Learning
You can find out more by clicking on the logo and scrolling to the bottom of the page. You will also find links to local provision for each strand:
For details about more local support groups click here.
Young Minds Parent Help
Worried about your child but not sure where to start. Find sensible advice and tips here. Click on the logo:

School Policies
NHS Moodzone
The NHS has a website that gives some sensible self-help advice for anyone who lives with with anxiety, stress or depression. There are case studies to read, activities to try and the reassurance that you're not the only one feeling like this. Click on the logo to go there.

Kirklees Recovery College in Mirfield
Did you know about Kirklees Recovery College? It's based in Mirfield and offers courses and workshops for adults on a range of mental health issues. The sessions are often run by people who have directly experienced these issues, have recovered and want to help people who are currently struggling. Click on the logo to visit their website or here to see the current course brochure. You can enrol yourself and don't need to be undergoing any current treatment. They welcome carers and professionals signing up too.

Northorpe Hall (CAMHS & ChEWS)
Schools and families can request support from the Kirklees Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or the Children's Emotional Wellbeing Service (ChEWS), which are based at Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust in Mirfield. You can find out more by clicking the Northorpe Logo.
You can make a referral for a child aged 0-18 who is registered with a Kirklees GP. You can make a referral over the phone. Find out more by clicking the Thriving Kirklees logo below:
Call them direct on 0300 304 5555
Every Mind Matters
This site was launched in October 2019- you may have seen the adverts on television. It aims to make talking about mental health issues or concerns as normal as talking about the weather. It features a short quiz designed to test your wellbeing, and advice about what to do if you need some help. Click on the logo to go there.

Parent Survival Guide from Young Minds
Worried about your child but not sure where to start. Find sensible advice and tips here. Click on the logo: