Who is the Senco and how do I contact them?
Our Senco (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is Mrs Wendy Kelly, who has recently taken over the role from the Assistant Head. She can be contacted by calling the school office on 01924 460969 or emailing the school office.
What is the Kirklees Local Offer?
The Local Offer has been developed as part of the new Children and Families Act. It aims to provide information on education, health and social care provision available for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs, in a way that can be accessed quickly and easily.
Who is producing the Local Offer?
Kirklees Council is working with parents, young people, schools, colleges, early years providers and health services to produce the Local Offer.
What information do schools provide?
Schools have a duty to provide information about special educational needs that is accessible to pupils, parents and carers. We need to make sure this information is kept up to date.
Where can I find the Kirklees Local Offer?
The Kirklees Local Offer can be found at www.kirklees.gov.uk
Please click on the document below to read our SEND school offer or our school policies for SEND, Inclusion and Emotional Health and Wellbeing.